Friday, April 17, 2009

Lab 9-1A-April 16

Lab 9-1A p307

To gain an understanding of one flow of elections in a circuit.

As described on p307 of BC Science 9.

Data & Observation:

1a) If I was an electron and leaved the negative terminal, there would only be one way to arrive at the positive terminal.
1b) If I was an electron and leaved the negative terminal, I would have to travel through 2 light bulbs.
2) In circuit 1, one of the light bulbs is removed and the other light is off, because the electrons in circuit 1 have one way to go back to the battery.
3a) If I was an electron in circuit 2, there would be 2 ways that I could reach the battery.
3b) In these 2 routes, the electron only needs to pass one light bulb.
4) When one light bulb is removed in circuit 2, the other one is still on, because the electrons have 2 choices on which route to take and two light bulbs takes separate electrons.


In this lab we confirmed the flow of elections in a circuit by observing light bulb.
In circuit 1, either both light bulb are lit or none of them are lit, because everything is connected and the electrons only have one route to take.
In circuit 2, the two light bulbs are separated, and other light were lit, and they could be lit on their own, because there are two routes that the electrons could take, and the two light bulbs receive different electrons.

1 comment:

Ms. Hughes said...

I really like how you made this lab write up look. Your Data and observations table is particularly effective


btw - I really like the new look to your blog.